Since the company began, we have recruited and trained apprentices to a considerably high standard to ensure the future strength and success of our business. Our investment has paid off. We are proud that a large proportion of our current labor forces were trained in house as apprentices. Their skills and expertise have grown with the company and as a result, VMV Engineering has one of the most skilled and strong workforce team of 70 including blue and white collars in Bhilai Industrial area.
A wide variety of skilled tradesmen are employed enabling us to work as a team on all aspects of a project, from initial design, to manufacture, installation and on-site commissioning. Our fabrication and design expertise has been developed over many years across a broad range of industrial solution. As a result, we are able to design and develop a wide range of engineering products from small items such as pins and bushes, right up to steel plants, Wind Mill Towers, Tanks etc.